
The Brainwaves Video Anthology

Check out the Brainwaves You Tube Video Anthology by Bob Greenberg.  It's loaded with short videos that feature leaders in global education.

Here's one with Sir Ken Robinson where he talks about his new book, Revolutionizing Education from the Ground Up.

Here are a few of many others I've either watched or look forward to viewing soon!

Alan November on Who Owns the Learning? Preparing Students for Success
Linda Darling-Hammond on The Flat World and Education
Carol Dweck on Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Larrry Ferlazzo on Helping Students Motivate Themselves
Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano on Globally Connected Learning
Yong Zhao on World Class Learners

Subscribe to The Brainwaves Video Anthology to stay notified of the latest uploads.  Happy viewing!