Does the world sometimes look a little flat or one dimensional?
Does one perspective get boring or just not seem to capture the
complexity or full picture of life or history? Do you ever want to have a say in the ending of a story? Do you think creativity and multiple perspectives relate? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you
will want to watch Raghava KK: Shake Up Your Story TED Talk. (It's under 5 min. and may result in a new app on your iPad.) It also has some clear implications for education.
This talk relates to the first TED Talk I ever watched that hooked me,
The Danger of a Single Story with Chimamanda Adichie. It really draws out an idea that I advocate for in my teacher prep
classes-- including multiple perspectives in our teaching. We should be
doing this in all the content areas: language arts, math, science,
social studies, etc. What ways could you bring in a variety of
perspectives into your classes?
Thanks Sylvia. Right back at you. :-)