
Does the Spine Matter? Book Spine Poetry Part 2

Book Spine Poetry is simple-fun! See my previous post for evidence.  I stumbled upon it, but it was inevitable that I would do so.  Read on for my related lazy summer library days story that prompted me to take the next step and create.

My Lazy Summer Library Days Story
As a kid I recall sultry summer afternoons that lingered on forever.  Solitude and freedom awaited me in the old train depot that had been “renovated” to accommodate a meager number of books available to the public in the rural town I called home.  I found refuge wiping away cobwebs from book spines and gently blowing off the dust as I randomly selected one with a sense of awe.  Seemingly minutes passed before the librarian softly told her only patron that she needed to close to make it to her evening job. 

Considering the amount of time I had spent gazing at the books, I wandered slowly home carrying only a light knapsack with room to spare.  Much of my time had been spent browsing the spines, daydreaming about what story, adventure, or truth of human nature might be encompassed in those brief titles.  I knew exactly where the larger than life dictionary was located and frequently used it to look up the meanings of words in the titles.  Being that I was only in third grade, most of the books were beyond my reading comprehension level, but the titles allowed me to create my own stories.

Now, skip forward a few decades… “Does the title matter?” one of my students asked me.  This question is like asking a chef if an ingredient is of importance.  Rather than tell, I show. Print is both purposely and haphazardly displayed about both my work and home environments.  Book spines give a quick glimpse of topics of importance to members of my home. 

What’s Your Poem or Story?
Book Spine Poetry has a way of bringing out our stories and creativity.  What’s your story?  What new story comes alive when you combine the books that surround you on a daily basis in a Book Spine Poem?  How can this be used in education?  What could you learn about your students or coworkers by creating and/or participating in a school-wide Book Spine Poetry challenge?  Imagine the possibilities in the bilingual or multilingual classroom! 

Where’s the tech here? 
Well… this one’s got two sides.  There’s the platform needed to share the pictures and the photography involved.  It could be made into a multimedia project, combined with audio or an online presentation tool, etc.  But there is also a downside.  As I searched about my home to create my own poems, most of the recent books I have consumed were located on my tablet… 

Happy Book Spine Poetry creating!


  1. My reading changes with 14 days...I still have 14-day books (last book spine poem), now I sensibly (?) intermix 14-day books with books which are checked out for at least a month. Today's offering:
    Shadow of the wind,
    The time traveler's wife
    The rope.
    Queen Sugar,
    The Joy luck club.

    1. Hi Molly,
      It makes so much sense to me to use our libraries. On a related topic, I'm appreciative of the work librarians do! As you know I embrace technology, but I do wonder about what is lost with the change of books to ebooks. My ereader has it's benefits. Yet, there is no substitute for holding a book in my hand-- the texture, the sound of the flipping pages, even the subtle smell all please and add to the experience.

      I've only read the last book on your evolving list. Thanks for sharing!

