
Teaching Without Words

I am in love with words. From the sound of them in conversations, their coming to life in the click, click of a keyboard, the subtle difference the breath a comma makes vs. a semi colon; to the typography of the written word; to the way they look and sound in my head; to the rhythm and intonation of the world's languages... On and on I could go. Yes, I love words in all their glorious forms!

As an ESOL and language teacher, I am also aware of the linguistic demands embedded within academic content areas that present some learners, such as English language learners, challenges.  It's a bit of a leap to tie this into this short post, but all this connects to my interest in online teaching and gaming in education.  Due to this background in language, ESOL, and technology, this TEDX by Matthew Peterson called Teaching Without Words caught my attention.  It's worth a watch.

What do you think?


Poetry Is Just In Time

Yesterday my kiddo slipped in mud that coated her sparkly white shoes a wet mud brown.  We giggled out loud as she wiped some of it away on the spring grass.  This was a perfect prelude to reading one of my favorite poems,  E.E. Cumming's in Just-.  It puts a smile on my face this time of year.  What's not to love about words like "mud-luscious" and "puddle-wonderful"?

April is National Poetry Month.  Really every month should be, but it's a nice time for those of us who live busy lives and don't take the time to enjoy the rhythmic beauty of a initially seemingly simple poem that with a deeper look is loaded with sound and meaning.

Like so many, I don't consider myself a poet.  Yet, I appreciate.  Book Spine Poetry is a simple way many of us can appreciate in a participatory, visible way.  Here are two former posts I wrote about this fun form of poetry:  Part 1 and Part 2.  Give it a try and let me know how it goes!  Explore your resources for developing meaningful opportunities, and have fun!

I know this much is true…
The world is open,
The sun also rises.
Where the sidewalk ends,
Let the great world spin.