
2012 Post Reflection

'2012 Calendar' photo (c) 2011, Dan Moyle - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ Here are some of my favorite posts and learning from 2012.

Playing and Creating Posts:
  • SpinePoetry (Give this a try!  It’s fun.)
  • I had a ton of fun working with the OMLI and am pleased with the work these high school students completed!  Weebly, Animoto and Educreations proved useful tools in this project.
  • My travel blog to Bolivia, Three (Adjective) Travelers, was fun for personal reasons, but it also expanded some possibilities in using tech in education with a social justice perspective.
Web 2.0 Sites: Although these don’t represent my best work, these sites (and ones similar to them) continue to prove useful to me.  I also made some fun social networking connections with them.
The Teachers Should See This: My young contributor made some helpful posts that were tweeted about. 
Presentations and Collaborations
Social Media: I continue to grow in my use and understanding of social media in education.  It has a lot of potential and has been useful to me in a variety of manners.  I anticipate  using Google Hangout more in 2013.  The new community feature seems great!  I also find Twitter useful as an ed tech resource.  I’m partial to the short length.  I’ve not been a big user of Pinterest, but see its potential.  Learnist is one I will keep my eye on in 2013.  You can find me on these social media sites.
Looking forward to 2013! Thanks for joining me on the journey.